Tag Archives: C-drama

Count Your Lucky Stars Episode 4 Review

cyls25This was a lot of fun and the most I’ve had yet! It actually focused on the characters trying to figure out why luck has either been on their side or not. Lu Xing Cheng is still not buying it though, but there’s one thing that he’s into: having Tong Xiaoyou by his side! This episode proved to me that this drama can still redeem itself from its subpar pilot.
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[Episode 1-2 Recap] BL C-Webseries: No.10 Yandai Xie Street


Title: No.10 Skewed Tobacco Pouch Street / No.10 YanDaiXie Street / No.10 YanDai Byway / YanDaiXieJie No.10 / YanDaiXieJie10Hao Web Series [S1]
Native Title: 烟袋斜街10号
Genre: Drama, Romance, Boys Love
Country of Origin: China
Airing date: May 31, 2016 – July 12, 2016 [S1]
# of Episodes: 10
Channel: Youtube/Weibo

Synopsis:  No.10 YanDaiXie Street is about Liang Ze’s struggle in maintaining his friendship with Hang Hang as Hang Hang develops feelings for him. In order for him to keep Hang Hang close, Liang Ze would have to enter into a romantic relationship with Hang Hang. However, Liang Ze’s definition of a great love threatens the man-to-man relationship.

Main Cast:
Luo YiHang / Alan (罗一航) as
Liang Ze (梁泽)
Gong Zheng (宫政) as
Hang Hang (杭航)
Yang Xi / Colin (杨曦) as
Hu Wei (胡蔚)
Kang Rong / Kevin (康榕) as
Qi Ji (齐霁)


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[Review] C-drama: My Best Ex-Boyfriend (2015)

Consider this as the condensed version of all the recaps + other thoughts that I wrote from before here 😉

It has hit 1.5 billion views in China, so why not try and watch it? :D

It has hit 1.5 billion views in China, so why not try and watch it? 😀

Just like my First Impressions post, I’m going to divide my drama review into different sections to make it easier for both of us!

DISCLAIMER/NOTE: Since this is a review, I definitely won’t be spoiling anything because I believe that a review is mostly used by people as their basis/reference for doing (in this case, watching) something. It may either persuade or turn you off in watching this drama but I’m just here to provide my own opinions and other thoughts about it.

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[Recap of Episodes 41 & 42] C-drama: My Best Ex-Boyfriend

LAST RECAP POST OF “MY BEST EX-BOYFRIEND” EVER?! Wow, time surely does fly fast! Before anything else, I just want to thank all of you for patiently reading (and waiting!) my recaps and random thoughts. If it wasn’t for you, I wouldn’t have continued writing these recaps at all. I actually never intended to write one at first since I had no experience in writing one before and because I have also been very busy. But look where we are now, I’ve literally dropped anything else to watch and write about this drama all the way to its overwhelming number (42!!) of episodes!

Special acknowledgement to Viki for subbing this drama as fast as lightning! I seriously thought that Jerry Yan fans like me would have to wait for months or so before this gets subbed but wow, they managed to finish it even earlier than China’s release. So thank you so much, Viki!

Thank you to the production team of “My Best Ex-Boyfriend” especially the cast and crew for making fans like me happy! I know that they may never get to see this but I still want to thank them for giving us a very enjoyable drama to watch.

Most importantly, thank you to all the readers! It brightens my day to see the number of views increasing every time I would post a recap and much more when people would actually comment their own opinions about the drama. Xie xie ni! 😀Screenshot 2015-09-06 00.15.26Screenshot 2015-09-06 01.15.06

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[Recap of Episodes 39 & 40] C-drama: My Best Ex-Boyfriend

SECOND TO THE LAST RECAP. Wow, I’m definitely going to miss this but I should just leave my farewell messages in the last recap 😉

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My face knowing that we’re nearing to the end of this drama! LOL.

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[Recap of Episodes 33 & 34] C-drama: My Best Ex-Boyfriend

This recap post probably wins for having the most number of photos/screencaps because of: 1.) both episodes 33 and 34 just gave a lot of reasons to screencap which you’ll know if you decide to read more 2.) we’re slowly approaching towards the end of the series so all the possible happenings in the drama are starting to reveal (or have revealed) themselves.

So are you ready for this long recap post? 😀

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Our OTP just being adorable!

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[Recap of Episodes 31 & 32] C-drama: My Best Ex-Boyfriend

My apologies for posting this late because my internet connection seems to disconnect whenever it’s time for me to watch/blog. How unlucky lol! Despite my unluckiness, good luck seems to keep showering on “My Best Ex-Boyfriend” as it has already earned 1.5 billion views for today’s episodes that I’ll be recapping yay! With this, let me share with you a photo that Viola Mi (whom we haven’t been seeing as Xiangnan) shared on her Weibo to celebrate this success!


Episode 31 started with the famous line that Fangsi said to Tang when the full trailer was first premiered! With two of our main leads out of the picture (Tang and Xiangnan), both of these episodes are centered on Fangsi, the heroine! Speaking of Fangsi, it’s Maggie Jiang’s 29th birthday today yay! She has already become my instant favorite by just watching this drama. Wish her all the best! 😀

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[Recap of Episodes 13 & 14] C-drama: My Best Ex-Boyfriend

I don’t know about you, but I’m just really loving this drama more and more! I’m aware that there are some corny and annoying parts because there’s definitely no perfect drama but all is forgiven because they gave me some cute moments to giggle about again 😉

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[Recap of Episodes 11 & 12] C-drama: My Best Ex-Boyfriend

I understand that it might be better for me to write recaps on the new episodes but I don’t think I can do it because I watch and write simultaneously. So writing about the new ones would just give me a difficult time. I’m really sorry about that but I hope you still continue reading my recaps 😀 Things are just getting more exciting that I just couldn’t help but be noisy while watching haha!

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Stalker goals: Jerry Yan as Li Tang haha!

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